Friday, September 19, 2008


Golf is a wonderful game! Well, it is when you hit those handful of shots that will bring you back to the course once again. I happen to hit a long ball. I always have! The problem is not knowing quite where the ball was going to go. In other words, in golf I often have lots of thrust but no vector.

Trey, my son, is now playing golf with the high school team here in Yuma. Don't tell him, but he is a better golfer than I am. He has a much nicer swing and that (along with some concentration) makes a great shot! I find it truly amazing that I can stand behind him and give him suggestions that help him focus on his shot. When I am hitting the ball, I find myself trying to give the same suggestions and sometimes it helps and sometimes . . .

I have had seasons in my Christian life when I was all thrust and no vector. Lots of fire, but no real direction. I have watched others burn themselves out by being so busy they really had no time for their walk with God. I have found that I need someone standing behind me giving me instructions, challenging me forward and helping me focus on what is ahead. Sometimes we think that we have to live this Christian life on our own, but we forget that we are called to walk with God in community. We don't have to be alone, we can walk togeher and help each other along the way. Thanks for coming along!

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