Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I had my first dream about running last night. I don't really know if I was running to or running from someone or something. I just remember running and thinking, "This is not so bad, I can really run!" It is ironic that the previous morning I moved my walk to a walk/run. I am supposed to walk five minute run two and repeat. I never got to two minutes on my run (jog) portion. I actually stayed closer to the one minute mark. I found myself a little sore, but awoke challenged by a dream and encouraged to keep on the path.

I was listening to a pastor friend of mine who stated that God has dreams for us. His dream is that we be formed into the image of His Son. I look in the mirror of the Bible and see my reality and know that I am far from being like Jesus! Knowing that God has dreams for us is an encouragement for me. I may not be the man I need to be just yet, but I am challenged by a dream and encouraged to keep on the path. Thanks for coming along!

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